Janez Urevc / @slashrsm / http://janezurevc.name
Dave Reid / @davereid / http://davereid.net
"If I could snap my fingers and add one single feature to Drupal core it would be good Media handling."
Started planning a decoupled approach and focus on core problem areas from ground-up.
Split up File Entity into smaller chunks for fieldable files, file types, download formatter, fallback behavior.
Config entities, Views, etc to bring all these components together, pre-configured out of the box for the 80% use case.
#1398772: Consider composer.json to manage dependencies instead of .info files
#2271349: Node and Comment links should be display components
#2078473: Use entity access API for checking access to private files
#2148353: File access (hook_file_download) does not use an EntityAccessController
#2278073: Files with spaces in URIs fail entity TypedData validation
#2277981: Provide a service for handling context-aware plugins
Janez Urevc / @slashrsm / http://janezurevc.name
Dave Reid / @davereid / http://davereid.net